September Look Back

I made three bags – my one month goal, and I was very happy with them. One of my goals ticked off this year to try bags. So all set for shopping.

I completed the top of a log cabin/cat quilt I was doing for fun. I did leave out a row along the perpendicular as I didn’t want it to be too big. This photo was taken when it wasn’t quite finished, but it is ready for quilting some time in the future.  I love log cabins so I was just playing with that and then added the cats from a couple of patterns I have. I need to make one in purple colours for a great niece at some point.

Cat Log Cabin Top

I also made a very quick ahem – quilt for a cat! It is just 36″ square and hopefully will keep the cat off the book quilt I made my friend. Actually this size makes a very nice little knee quilt I do believe as I discovered while binding. I was going to give the cat an old little quilt I made when I first started but then I realised my friend could hardly put that out on her couch.  I used a block from Pat Sloan’s pattern of her Solstice quilt.

I backed this with thick fleece. While I was sewing around the edge my concentration slipped and before I could understand what happened, I looked down and the needle had broken and yes it was right through my finger. I had heard it could happen but didn’t think it was possible. Oh yes it is!  It didn’t really hurt but it did entail going to the Dr to get it out.

damaged finger

I also worked on piecing a quilt pattern that I won on the OMG at Elm Street quilts – the pattern Fraulein by Amy Smart. It is still sitting on the wall like this and I just need to finish piecing and add a border.  I also won the layer cake I am using on Instagram, and even though I had to pay the postage from the USA it was still worth it. A layer cake here costs about $89. I paid $40 NZ postage or $25 US and I still call that a good win! And our dollar has weakened since then!!

quilt top

So looking forward to October. I have decided I need to finish one quilt a month in terms of quilting as I am accumulating too many tops. So my one month goal will be for one that has been sitting there for most likely about two years.

Patchwork bag(s) goal for September


Linking up with Elm Street Quilts.

My goal was to get started on a patchwork bag kit and maybe complete it which I did!  This is the kit I started with from Craftsy.


Here is the bag.

Tote bag


I then made another one out of some 5″ squares with Amy Smart fabric to practise of course.

Tote bag

And then I went on You Tube and found a great tutorial by Yoan Sewing Studio for a bag with side pockets, a zipped up pocket inside and two other pockets. Plus a magnetic closing button. Very happy with my learnings!

Okay I think I am bagged out